Not the First Energy Transition, Not the Last

Over 200 years of industrial development, the world’s primary source of energy has shifted from wood, to coal, to oil. Our energy use has migrated from steam engines to electric motors, gas lamps to LEDs and wood stoves to heat pumps. Supply, demand, invention and innovation drove past transitions, and will drive the current one.

The one certainty regarding energy is that our need for it is never going to go away. It transports us across the globe, powers our farms, keeps us warm in the winter and cool in the summer. It is both a massive contributor to our economy and a massive cost.

As with past energy transitions, organizations will need to invest and adapt to the change. The price of oil and gas will inevitably rise as investment migrates towards lower cost alternatives. Organizations need to continuosly adapt to change.

If your organization is struggling with heating and power bills, speak to our team of experts to identify opportunities to reduce costs and secure grants with energy saving projects.


Supporting Organizations in the Energy Transition


Is the Energy Transition to blame for high energy prices?